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October 5, 2004-BOS

Chichester Board of Selectmen

October 5, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman DeBold and pro tem Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:02p.m.

SUBJECT: Budget Committee Position

Gilbert Vien came in to inform the Board that he was interested in the Budget Committee position that was posted in the Concord Monitor. The Board informed Mr. Vien that the position had also been posted in the Suncook Sun and they would like to see what kind of responses they get after the ads have run. Then they would like to interview and at that point they would appoint the member to the committee, the Board thanked Mr. Vien for his interest.

SUBJECT: John Saturley – Abatement

Mr. Saturley is questioning the change of use tax. He has given the property as a gift to his son and daughter-in-law and is concerned how correct the assessment is. The other property around them is assessed at $65,000.00 and they have been assessed at $75,000.00. Mr. Saturley feels because he and his wife are able to gift up to $11,000.00 each that the property value should be at $44,000.00 the actual amount over and above the gift amount. Chairman Colbert will discuss with Avitar and the Town Attorney and get back to Mr. Saturley.


Webster Mills Bridge

Dave Kenneally has a proposal from CLD for engineering with a total cost of $96,800.00 Selectman DeBold made a motion to accept the proposal with a second from Selectman MacCleery. All were in favor motion passed.

Center Road

Dave proposed grinding Center Road and turning it back to dirt and up grade the surface to make the road easier to maintain and travel. The Board was in agreement that at this time the road agent should just keep patching and try to keep repairing the best they can. The use of Main Street as the main road to cross over to the other side of town for plowing and sanding this winter will help save Center Road. Also the Board felt if a smaller vehicle were used to plow the road it would also prevent further damage.

SUBJECT: Paul Sanborn – concerns

Mr. Sanborn comes to the Board with a few concerns one is to correct the minutes of last month regarding the ladder at the fire station, the ladder is on the second floor and not the third, minute will be corrected to reflect the change.

Mr. Sanborn recalls that over a year ago the fire department asked for help with staffing issues. There were administrative items that were not being handled in a timely fashion and the lack of Fire Fighters and EMT during the day to respond to town emergencies. He states that a committee was to be formed and a proposal be brought before the town. Chairman Colbert recalls that the committee was to be formed from towns’ people and the proposal brought to the selectmen for review. Chairman Colbert suggested that the Fire Department form a study committee with towns people not just firefighters, and review all aspects of what they feel they need and what type of paid staff persons would be able to fulfil the duties and submit a report to the selectmen for review. Members of the Board are interested in serving on the committee as well.


The Board was in agreement on the Giuda property that 3.5 acres was correct for the house lot and the remainder of the lot be placed in current use will no land change tax imposed.

The Board was in agreement that the tree at Eunice Bates is not the towns property and they town is not responsible for the damage the tree has caused or responsible for the tree to be removed. Letter to be sent to Mrs. Bates.

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The Board is still is the process of reviewing references from applicants, Selectman DeBold to make more phone calls this week.

Payroll and other documents were signed.

There being no further business Chairman Colbert Adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Deachman
Pro tem Secretary

Chairman Colbert

Selectman MacCleery

Selectmen DeBold


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